973-522-0544 info@urbanrenewal.org

Emergency Shelter Grant

The funds will provide short-term or medium term rental assistance, housing relocation and stabilization services including housing search, mediation or outreach to property owners, credit repair, security or utility deposits, and moving cost assistance.

WFNJ clients may receive Emergency Assistance(EA) in certain situations.

These benefits include, but are not limited to: essential food, clothing, shelter and household furnishings; temporary rental assistance or back rent or mortgage payments; utility payments (such as heat, water, electric); transportation to search for housing; and moving expenses.

Eligible persons include those who are homeless or at immediate risk of becoming homeless, and those who have experienced a substantial loss of housing, food, clothing or household furnishings due to fire, flood or similar disaster.


Emergency Assistance is limited to 12 months. However, extensions may be granted under certain hardship conditions, with specific limitations.

More Information

Emergency Shelters – 521 Washington St,  – Myrtle Ave – 689 S. 16th St. Newark, NJ 07103


Agency: Urban Renewal Corp

Service Description:

Urban Renewal Corp operates a 48-bed emergency shelter for single men and women.


None with an appropriate referral.


Open to single men and women, ages 18 and older, with an appropriate referral.

Application Instructions:

A referral is required from any social service agency (i.e. hospital, police, Board of Social Services, etc.). Please call for more information.

Last Update: March 21, 2017


Posted on

July 14, 2017

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